Are you an aspiring Radiographer looking to further your career or manager looking to develop your team?
This course is designed for Band 5 and 6 Radiographers. (further bands will be included as part of a future programme expansion) and will:
The course fulfills the requirements of the new HCPC Leadership Standard of Proficiency (8.6-8.9) effective September 2023, namely:
8.6: Understand the qualities, behaviours and benefits of leadership.
8.7: Recognise that leadership is a skill all professionals can demonstrate.
8.8: Identify their own leadership qualities, behaviours and approaches, taking into account the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion.
8.9: Demonstrate leadership behaviours appropriate to their practice.
Course Content and Learning Outcomes
This training will provide delegates with an understanding of fundamental principles of leadership and management with a particular focus on work-based scenarios.
Following the course, the delegate will understand and be able to apply into their work practice:
The course is delivered over two, live interactive online study sessions featuring polling, discussion groups and breakout areas. In addition, registration to our e-learning portal will provide supplementary material. Self-directed learning and a reflective piece of work will be completed within the delegate's own time and be submitted for assessment.
A follow up 40 minute session with the course lead is included (upon request-date arranged between delegate and course lead). This session will help the participant practice what they have learned, encourage accountability and provide a safe space for reflection and questions.
Course Leads
Click below for more information
Registration 08:50. Course Times 09:00-13:00 Both Days plus follow up 40 minute session with course lead (if requested).
Minimum 10 hours total course time including self directed learning allocation.
*Course delegate numbers determine use of multiple breakout areas
Course Price: £185+VAT